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I love your game but I have a language problem. I'm trying to learn languages other than my native language but I get discouraged sometimes. ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ So I turned to the on-screen translation app but the result is that it doesn't translate languages. Because it's a pixel font, that's a problem for me.. er.. I mean the taste when I'm ๐Ÿ™Š If you'd be so kind, I'd like to have the option to change the language to the Normal font. It would be great. ๐Ÿ™


Please add a normal font because I don't speak English and I'm using an app called "tap translate screen" but because of this font the app can't translate properly. Please remember that not everyone knows English ๐Ÿ™. I apologize if I made any spelling mistakes I translated this from the translate app ๐Ÿ˜…


Hello thank you for the suggestion!

However this game is meant to have a retro pixel art style and that would kinda take away from it but if I ever get to change it to another pixel font more readable you'll be the first to know! :)


a retro pixel art style wouldn't be so aggressively mixed-res. not only are the pixel assets not locked to a shared pixel grid, but the nearest neighbor scaling on the text means it gets stretched in irregular ways if the window isn't PRECISELY sized. and that's not to mention the CGs, which on top of being the majority of the game's assets, aren't even trying to be retro pixel art. 
fix the awkward scaling, and either commit to your aesthetic or scrap it.


The game's aesthetic is intentional, but I get that it's not for everyone. If the mixed resolutions bother you that much, maybe it's just not your kind of game. :)


You literally cant play a single chapter without crashing. Can't look any picture in gallery without freeze. Fast button stucks after  few msgs let alone rewind button doesnt work more than half of the time. Background color and text colors are blending too much its hard to read. I cant rate the game at all because couldnt play more than 2 minutes without it getting stuck. Deleted it because it annoyed me so much. What a waste.


yeah sorry about that


I'm sorry I was just mad because of the bugs don't mind me ๐Ÿ˜…


no worries! i understand the frustration(i feel the same about the state of the game), i really am trying to fix it


It's buggy. It's a shame. It's a good game. Nice one.


thank you! don't worry im currently selling my soul to jahfell for  it to work (staying up late)

How do I play this? ;-; I'm just stuck on this screen (a android)


is NTR guaranteed or is it optional?


guaranteed however if you want something optional my spin  off"Our Frozen Hearts." has ntr as an option (kinda)


what do you mean by kinda, pal?


throughout the game if you're not careful felicia will cuck you or if you're just unlucky, so technically avoidable but really hard


the game art is beautiful but playing it is kind of buggy and some parts doesnt load and i cant use every button

Overall, its 8/10. i love the art style and the story. I hope the bugs are finally fixed.


Bug fixes are a priority to me so hopefully we can all play without as many bugs one day 

(1 edit) (+3)

Just realized this, but if you acronym the first letter of all three words in the title it makes DtF...fitting, I guess.


it took almost 6 months but someone finally got it

(1 edit) (+4)(-2)

I'm kind of retarded.

How was this ai art generated? It looks so much different than typical ai art.


I sacrificed all earthly possessions to jahfel 

(1 edit) (+1)

what??? Lmao. Is jahfel the name of the ai?

Still for today I cannot run this game. Nothing's happening on PC and android. 


Duuuuuuude I did not know "that" about Bernard. Damn 


Excuse me good sir but this goes quite dummy in the cut, mind if I screenshot? ๐Ÿง

Deleted 35 days ago

I'm really hoping my next update fixes at least some of these problems as I've been trying to fix them sorry about that


Not sure if I'm missing something but I don't see a chapter 9 in .9 or .9.1. I see the gallery is updated from the last release but I can't get any new chapters to show. I've tried resetting chat data, playing ch7 and 8 but still nothing. Great game btw, definitely plan on subbing on patreon in the future.


Hello! basically you want to get rid of the save data for the game in the godot files, currently a problem I'm trying to fix


Android version has a couple issues jn chapter 3-6 where the images dont get send during the conversations. Might be something to look onto for the future.

thank you! so for context I exported the game on windows since Linux gave me issues recently, but now that sounds really bad, so hopefully linux has an update that allows me to export again 


Love the art style, love the characters. Keep up the good work man. You're the first person I actually consider to donate to

sorry for late reply been busy, donations are always appreciated but i'm grateful to know my project drove you to that conclusion! 


Is there any NTR things in this game?

The game is pretty much ntr, next game i'm planning will also have ntr but it can be optional (just not as many scenes lol)

Sadlly, it looks interesting but I dont have the 'resistance' about ntr genre.

no worries, I can't say if I'll change the formula for the future but I could have some other stuff besides ntr (just not as much though)


Make it a zip please. The game isn't launching, a purple screen appears and then it closes immediately.

oh im sorry if you want you can try the link on my patreon for the free version since i have it there too


It would be cool if we're the one who's doing the cucking.


i agree cough cough nudge nudge

Add lactation content xD

Tried to play and the game screen remains black, and it says DEBUG up top, anyway to fix?

what system are you using

Windows 10, 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor


Game Suggestions: This game has a lot of potential but right now I think a lot of it is wasted. Here a few ideas to implement that make the game better in my opinion.

1. Emersion: right now, there are just chapters you click trough doesnโ€™t really feel like a conversation I have with my girl on a phone. Merge all chapters together and only have different contacts. There can be a way to load the different chapters to not restart every thing if you want to try something new.

2. Bug Fixing: I know bug fixing isnโ€™t always easy but its really bad if the game just stops working and you have to close and restart the app every other minuet.

3. Build up: there should be a buildup try to establish a real relation ship with her. First show the love and affection and then slowly transition to the NTR. Also, its better in my opinion if she is trying to hide it more donโ€™t let her spill out everything with his slightest concerns make it hard to discover her cheating and maybe let it be leaked by someone else if he takes to long to get behind it but is still concerned. There are many different ways to approach it and I think you can do it but try to build yourself a good foundation and make quality content rather then just a lot with many pictures. Let her tease him and try to convince him slowly that maybe it was his idea in the first place? Let her have a secret Instagram account with lewd Fotos with other guys? Many possibilities.

4. Better Gallery: Right now you have all fotos from the start make it that you unlock them while playing with a counter how many you collected so far. There could still be a cheat to unlock all if you want but donโ€™t just let them all be there without doing anything.

5. Story: Try make different routes you already have it somewhat but right now those are more of single questions leading to single answers I could have seen her have sex 100times play dumb once and she plays as if I didnโ€™t know whatโ€™s going on. On the other hand I could be playing the dumb route and have a single concern and she shows off everything like its nothing right now the sorry isnโ€™t really a story. Change that make a few Clear paths maybe you will be able to switch and change them but if she thinks he believes her not doing stuff why would she shot him cheating once he askes a simple question of concern.

All this may only be my few but Iโ€™m still convinced it would help improve the game. This will take time and effort no questions asked I know how hard game development is but I trust in you to bring this game to glory. 

(1 edit) (+1)

yeha I agree with your 1st, 3rd and 5th point almost all phone pov games like this one  you can jump right to the action and the texting interactions make you feel like you're texting chatGPT who can't say no to you.

I really hope the developer take your opinion into consideration 

oh wow im sorry i've been pretty busy and didn't see this im sorry for that

1.I honestly like your chapter and contact idea, I think I might actually use this in the future because while i wasn't planning on working on this game for a few years I don't want it to reach like chapter 16, so I'm really grateful for this suggestion!

2.Believe it or not this is my highest prioty right now because trust me it's just as frustrating or probably more for me, knowing theres a lot of bugs and you can't fix them all. It is a gradual thing but I haven't recieved as much complaints from the spin off so I think that might've fixed a few things

3.I actually would've loved to do this but in the first version of my game there was an annoying glitch where the text will just go by really fast AND the screen kept going all the way to the top, so I had to make the first chapter fast so the player wouldn't get annoyed (it was a big problem i had no idea how to fix), while it sucks that had to happen and I couldn't go with my original plan I did try a soft reboot in chapter 4

4. I'm actually in the progress of improving this, I wanted it to be unlockable from the start but i'm gonna be honest. I think a bigger prioty is the foundational stuff before this because I want to add an undo button and skip button since a lot of people have been requesting it

5.thats more of a problem with the older chapters due to me not knowing how to properly write in dialogic but newer problems it is being actively fixed (or at least the best to my abilities) i want the player to feel like they have actual sway in the conversation and i'm trying new writing flows to see how i can closer get there

Thank you for your feedback! I really love this game and I only hope to improve while sometimes i get sad this is just called a cash crab, people like you remind me that other people love this project (or probably more) then me!


Seams pretty buggy to me after compleating chapter 2 every thing stopped woring in terms of i could not play any chapter resetting didnt help 

also maybe make a bit of a slower build up and not go directly into the action

sorry to hear i thought I fixed that issue, are you on android or windows




Question, is there a difference between public and patreon versions of the game?

Yes! unless i put the patreon out on the public lol, Right now the only real difference is 3 more chapters and the gallery unlocked for said chapters. I plan on adding more on the future but right now I want to focus on the foundation of the game


Is there a different download link? The itch link doesn't seem to work, downloader lays the file syntax is incorrect.

oh thats good, which version you talking about




great story, but i have some tips for you if you want it:

rollback mechanic;
save mechanic;

and thats it, thats what i think its essential in a novel game...


you're gonna be happy next update :)


just as an idea for a new game where you play as Felicia.

sure i'd love to hear your idea!


my idea is simple it is a game focused on felicia's pov of the events shown in this game but have more options and your job is to put her in positions that corupr her into eventualy cheating.

I cannot start the game for the life of  me. Turned MS defender off, ran as admin, tried to unzip, updated every driver... I click run, and the app never starts,,, any tips?

i'm sorry but what do you mean try to unzip? you're on windows correct

Yes, but given my lack of success, and the instructions of "extract and run", I thought it might be a weird compressing file. But didn't work either. Tried unzipping, putting the .exe file inside the folder, running. No luck. I tried everything I can possibly think. No luck...  I appreciate you reaching out, though

I'm really sorry that instruction was meant for linux when it was a folder if you're on windows just download the exe and double click on it

Yeah, I do it, and no message, no image, nothing comes through. I have an AMD graphics card, if that makes a difference. I installed godot, I tried to open the game on the app too. 

The game looks awesome, and I have no clue if there is a command I should try, or if something else is blocking the game. Malwarebytes shows nothing, windows defender shows nothing, Nord VPN shows nothing.

i also have an amd driver, I play the game on linux,windows, and andriod so I'm really confused as to why this isn't working


Cant't update on the Itch app, you fixed that with Chapter 4, but every other update wasn't downloadable.

I'm really sorry about that! it might be the way i exported it, I'll take a look and see whats different in the versions when it comes to export


Add more fetishes, including lactation, gangbang and dp xD

Deleted 164 days ago

I'm really happy to hear you enjoy the game but remember to take breaks! I'm in the process of fixing up the gallary so maybe you won't have to do that everyday lol

oh they deleted the comment :(


well, problem solved I guess

I'm sorry i thought i replied, did it?


I was referring to the story problem, with the tender guy. so don't worry, so far I haven't found a bug or anything ๐Ÿ‘

i know you were talking about the story problem


"error! this device does not have vulkan support (black screen)" yeah ik my phone is ass I don't blame you tbh lmao, is this planned to be changed or not?

honestly I can look more into it but I did enable 32bit support but I'll see what more I can do, just kind of stuck with the newest version right now so plate is full 


Ngl, not the first time crying over NTR games, just... It's not really relatable for me and it breaks my heart

But the thought that I can be involved in this irl scares me and this is like an example how you shouldn't do :) 

The controls on the phone are kind of inconvenient and some text is missing, but that's okay, like, It's a good small novel, but now I am crying over the ending where the guy fucks both of the girls ;-;


I'm sorry to hear it made you cry :(, i understand its not for everyone as for the controls being wonky I'm making an active effort to clean it up 


Oh, no need to be sorry, that's okay, I saw the tags and went for it by myself 

You did a great work anyways, waiting for version 1.0 prolly :D 

1.0 will be the finale of this demo, I'll do something drastic in 1.1 yall wont expect


holy Maribel


I'm glad you like it





Hello love the game! But the bar in the chat Its totally bugged for me. I need to scrow it every new message!

plus, you game its soo good it doenst need to burn so fast, I would like to see Felicia be kind and soft, and not aways mean! 

Anyways success, if need any help with script I would love to help!

hey man is this bugged or what? I open the game and a black screen comes up and then noting happens

it might be because you have an older phone but don't worry this new update aims to fix that

i was on my laptop and it is able to run gta5, so i don't think that it should have any issue with your game

qh ok, usually when I'm told it doesn't work it comes from old phones so my apologies, i'm not sure what the issue would be besides the anti virus because of godot for some reason 

(2 edits) (+3)

I legit had a relationship like this with some tinder girl and this game made my blood boil in the same way (but turned on) in the same way. Which means you did a good job with the pacing. Would love options to eventually call her out on her BS (maybe send a pic of ourselves having some fun ;)

never again tbh with hoes who play games. But this is great!

I'm glad you enjoy! I'm actually gonna revise the first chapter since a big complaint I got was the pace of it but thank you really!

How the f*** are you suppose to start a new game!!? Play ch1 and I want to play it again but no. Doesn't give you any clue as to how to a new game!?

hmm sorry about that, I swear I left instructions on how to reset chat, basically go to messages and click on the gear icon to the top right,  there's  a reset button in there, i'll try to make things more clear next update

Thank you!


I like Felicia and the overall concept of the game but I have a problem with the narrative. While there is more cohesion in chapter 4, the rest of the dialogues feel rather rushed and sometimes nonsensical. Maybe it's just me and I apologize if that's the case. I would like to know more about Felicia, her boyfriend and so, before jumping into the hot stuff, maybe develop her escapades a bit more.


I think I am gonna make an FAQ with this question, the current versions of 0.1 to 1.0 are the "demo" timeline because I'm basically fleshing out felicia right now as well as fixing/improving the code for the game, once I reach 1.1, felicia along with the canon will be reset. right now I just want people to understand what I am trying to go for, it also helps me improve the game and my writing before the canon officially starts! I hope that answers your question and no need to apologize, I get this question a lot lol

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